Great Disciple Challenge

Great Disciple Challenge

Hey there! Welcome to the Great Disciple Challenge, a one-of-a-kind course created just for you. This challenge aims to help you grow spiritually, boost your gospel knowledge, and strengthen your connection with your church friends and community. There are seven awesome challenges to tackle, like memorizing scriptures, learning about church leaders, and sharing your personal…

Humble Servant

Humble Servant

As a Humble Servant, you have truly embraced the spirit of discipleship by putting the needs of others before your own. Your selfless service and humility are an example to all who seek to follow the path of the Lord. Continue to serve with love and compassion, remembering that your efforts are a testament to…

Spiritual Leader

Spiritual Leader

As a Spiritual Leader, your growth and understanding of the gospel have positioned you to inspire and guide others on their own journeys of discipleship. Your example of faith and service encourages others to strive for spiritual growth. Keep shining your light and using your wisdom to support those around you.

Faithful Steward

Faithful Steward

As a Faithful Steward, you have embraced your responsibilities within the church and diligently served others. Your dedication to living the gospel and upholding its values is an inspiration to those around you. Continue to nurture your talents and use them to improve your church community and the lives of others.

Gospel Scholar

Gospel Scholar

As a Gospel Scholar, you have delved deeper into the church’s teachings, expanding your knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. Your enthusiasm for learning is evident, and your wisdom will serve you well on your path of discipleship. Keep exploring the depths of gospel knowledge and applying its teachings in your life.

Devoted Disciple

Devoted Disciple

As a Devoted Disciple, you have shown a commitment to learning and understanding the core principles of the gospel. Your devotion and dedication to the scriptures and teachings of the church are truly admirable. Continue to deepen your faith and embrace the opportunities for spiritual growth that lie ahead.

Seeker of Truth

Seeker of Truth

As a Seeker of Truth, you have just begun your journey of discipleship. Your curiosity and desire to learn more about the gospel will guide you through the challenges ahead. Embrace this opportunity for growth and continue seeking truth in the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.